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Have a question, comment, or concern?

We'd love to hear from you.


Fill out the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

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Q. How do I join the club?
A. An application needs to be turned in along with membership dues. Club membership is $30 for one year from date of payment. Completed applications and payment can be mailed to the Grand Rapids Jeep Club at P.O. Box 193, Byron center, MI 49315; given to one of our current board members for processing; or we also have the ability to process new members online through PayPal when you fill out your membership application here on the official site found on the Join the Club page. Applications can also be acquired by talking to any current board member or by sending an email to requesting an application.

Q: Where can the application for memberships be found?
A: You can find the membership application by visiting the Join the Club page here on this site, where you can apply virtually or download a PDF copy of the membership application to be printed and physically submit with payment. Applications can also be found on the "Files" section of our Facebook page, you can request an application PDF by emailing, or they are always available at club events by speaking with any current board member present.


Q: How much does it cost to join the club?

A: Membership is $30 a year. The rolling calendar year starts on the day you join.

Q: What options do you give me for paying for my membership?
A: In person, we can accept cash, checks, or credit cards (if device is available). Online signups can be paid for with PayPal. For mail in memberships, checks or money orders are preferred.


Q: How active is the club?
A: The board has committed to at least one meet-and-greet and one Trail Ride/Jeep Event/Off-road park visit a month. Winter months are usually one event a month, whereas in the warmer weather months, we have many more things planned and even things yet to announce. We will give many options so that no matter your preference of where you ride or even when you can get out, that you will have things to do with the club.

Q: Do I need to be a paid member in order to attend events and trail rides?
A: No. Our meet-and-greets are open to all like-minded Jeepers and their entire family. We encourage people to stop out, meet members of the club, ask questions about the club, etc. A fair number of rides are also open to all as well. Please keep in mind that we do have member only events; like the club picnic, exclusive trail rides, parades and such. Rides open to the public will be listed under the "Events" section of our public Facebook page.

Q: Members only events: are they really members only or can I bring my significant other and/or my kids?
A: All events are open to your entire family. We are a family based club first and foremost. For member only events, we ask that at least one member be present per Jeep.


Q. What is included in the membership?
A. Membership includes access to our members only resource pages found here on this site (a private members only events calendar with event details, member event invites/RSVPs and check-in tickets, the official GRJC Newsletter and latest club updates, and your own personal private member profile hub for all your membership details), discounts with partner vendors/suppliers, entrance into our annual club picnic and raffle, and any other benefits the board approves. The board is always working to add more value for our members.

Q: Can I be part of the group if I don’t currently have a Jeep?
A: Our Bylaws state that all members must be Jeep owners. This is to be a paid member; our Facebook page is more accepting.

Q: Does GRJC do any sort of training for people to learn more about Jeeps, etc.?
A: Yes. GRJC puts on our annual Safety Series each spring. Classes are given on recovery, first aid, fire extinguishers, equipping your rig, and CB’s. We also do a beginners ride each spring for those just getting into the sport, or those with little trail experience.

Q: Does GRJC do any charity work?
A: Yes. GRJC holds two charity events each year. One in the spring (Go Topless) and one in the fall. Our spring event benefits a new charity each year. Our fall event benefits local Blue Star Mothers chapters. During the Christmas season, GRJC does a toy drive for Toys4Tots. GRJC does also participate in various other charity events throughout the year, but those are determined on a case-by-case basis by the board. If you are interested in having the GRJC work with a local charity that you are passionate about, get in touch with the board and we'll review your proposal. We're always looking for ways to make a positive impact in the greater 616 area and community.

Q: Tell me more about the club picnic and the raffle?
A: GRJC holds an annual member picnic, usually in October. We like to promote attendance and participation in the club and its events, and one way we do this is through our participation raffle at the picnic.

Here is how it works:

  • Just by joining the club or renewing your membership, you will get one ticket into the raffle.

  • From there, every time you attend a club event/ride/etc. that is listed as an official club event (meet-and-greets, trail rides, and various other events) and check-in, you will get another ticket in the raffle.

  • If you refer a person to the club and they join, you will get two more tickets into the raffle.

The ways listed above are the only ways to get tickets into the raffle. We do not allow additional tickets to be bought to enter. All prizes, parts, etc. that are donated to the club or won in club challenges are given away at the picnic. Again, the picnic is a member only event.

Q: How do I stay up to date on the events and happenings within the club?
A: We send out a monthly newsletter to all members and members can log on to their personal accounts either here on the official website or on the Spaces by WIX app (found on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store) to gain access to all member events, news, and the latest club updates.

Q: Can I print my own Grand Rapids Jeep Club decals?
A: The GRJC logo is trademarked and may not be reproduced without the permission of the club. Decal sales are used as a fundraiser for our Annual Member Picnic.


Q: How do I become a preferred vendor?

A: If you’re interested in becoming a preferred vendor, send an email to requesting more information.


Grand Rapids Jeep Club

P.O. Box 193, Byron Center, MI, 49315

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Copyright © 2016 Grand Rapids Jeep Club (616 Jeeps). All Rights Reserved.

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